ABC Head Start supports families in providing strong early experiences for their young children. Our early learning program is often the first school experience that children have. ABC Head Start is a bridge linking families to future educational resources, and as such has a special responsibility to provide a positive experience for children and families.

Healthy children start with healthy families. Because parents are their child's first and most important teachers, they have the right and a responsibility to be actively involved in their child's education. ABC Head Start promotes families' physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being. All children and families are unique and have individual strengths. ABC Head Start recognizes and builds on these strengths. Parenting is challenging. We believe that it takes a whole community to raise a child. We serve and support children and families in the context of their community. We also work with families to build supports within their communities using resources such as our agency partners.

ABC Head Start works in partnership with many government and community organizations and programs to ensure our families and children receive the best possible support and resources.