Caring For Your Child's Teeth

Your child’s dental health is an important part of their growth and development. By the age of three, your child will likely have all of their baby teeth in. And then by the age of six, they will start losing those teeth, and getting their adult teeth. Caring for their baby teeth is still very important even though they don’t stay for long!

Around three years old, kids can start to learn how to care for their teeth themselves but will need to be supervised. Set them up for success with a small, soft bristled tooth brush and flouridated toothpaste. Another important aspect of good oral hygiene is to eat healthy to maintain healthy gums, develop strong teeth and prevent tooth decay. Avoid sugar and processed foods because they increase plague build up.

Prevention is key to avoid painful and costly dental problems when they are older. Just because they are going to lose their baby teeth doesn’t mean they don’t need to be taken care of!

Children should see a dentist by the age of one, and go for regular check-ups and cleanings, every 6 months after that.

If your child attends ABC Head Start, they will receive a dental screening by a nurse that will visit the classroom. If you are told that there are concerns with your child’s teeth, we can help you find a dentist and get the care you need.

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For more information, you can visit Oral Health | Alberta Health Services

Christi McTaggart